Here’s how to get rid of back acne or body acne once and for all.
ZONE 1:hormones
May indicate a hormonal imbalance in our body.May also be caused by irritation from hair products or tight shirts.
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ZONE 2&3:hormones
Hormonal fluctuations as in adolescents or drug use.May also be caused by sweating or straps which cause friction against our skin.
ZONE 4:liver
Fungal infection or allergies.May also be caused by tight clothing or soap that irritates the skin.
ZONE 5&6:vitamin levels
Vitamin A, D, K2 deficiency.
May also be caused by overactive oil glands.
ZONE 7:stomach
Tight clothes or fabrics that irritate the skin.
May also be caused by excess sweating.
ZONE 8:hygiene and STDS
Most susceptible to moisture and warmth.
May also be caused by shaving.
ZONE 9&10:allergies and sensitive skin.
Creams and body lotions can irritate the skin.
May also be caused by shaving.
ZONE 11&12:hormones
Acne caused by lifestyle.
May also be caused by sweating and not showering after workouts.
Zone13:digestive system
Autoimmune response from gluten consumption.
May also be tight clothing.
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This article was taken from Cherie. Credit to user @Michelle